Wednesday, September 25, 2013

the world is flat.

i start work in a few hours. i pass flyers out to people in wicker park for the time being and then I'll become a waitress once Ulysses is done fixing up the restaurant downstairs. I've been thinking a lot about what I have to do. I hung out with an old friend of mine yesterday and it was really nice. I talked to her and I expressed my concerns with how trusting of the world she was, because I'm the same way. It's hard for us to say no. But lately, things have been happening to her and me that have caused us to distance ourselves from things. I'm not friends with someone I thought I'd be friends with for a long time because she's just not a good influence and she's stolen from both me and her. As far as stealing goes, it's hard to prove that, but I just don't even want to have suspicion when it comes to a friend, you know what i mean? Before, my thinking was...well...if I stop hanging out with this person, then I'll miss out on good times, but was completely oblivious of that fact that she was creating bad ones and I was making way for her to perpetuate that by keeping her in my life. It's time to say no.
Anyway, after that good talk, we went out to eat with her dad, her boyfriend, and a friend of the fam. It was really nice. The food was really good. And boy, can her dad talk politics. I mean really. His eyes are very wide and he talks fast. I like it.
I've only been allowing certain people into my life and have now been creating my own rules and actually listening to them. It's been working out for me, but let's just hope I can stick to this. I don't regret the crazy times I had before I changed my way of thinking. They were just so fun. But if I were to do them now, I don't think they would be.
Well, gotta go to work soon. 

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