Thursday, February 28, 2013

I wish I could live free/ I hope it's not beyond me / Settling down takes time

  1. take max and luis to every mesuem in chicago in the summer.
  2. buy my mom a beautiful ring she can wear every day
  3. spoil my mom for a day
  4. take my dad out somewhere amazing, even if it isn't amazing to me
  5. get toby a fancy new dog tag

 college transfers.
  1.    Kenyon
  2.    NYU
  3.    UC- Santa Cruz
  4.    UC- Berkeley
  5.    Pitzer (Yerika...*nudge nudge*)
  6.    Vasaar

 hehe..kenyon. <3
i got the silver medal, which, if we're talking about kenyon, is a damn thing to be proud of.

Ever since I can remember, I have loved words.  When I was younger, words helped me get through my fear of the dark. When most kids were using nightlights, I was reading stories to fall asleep. I drifted to sleep with wizards, fairies, hares, and tortoises on my mind. I had escaped the fear of monsters and indulged myself in a completely different world.
As I got older, the love grew deeper. I was not afraid of the dark anymore, but of school, decisions, and the future. The storybooks were replaced with novels, poems, and research papers. One novel in particular is The Perks of Being a Wallflower. In the midst of my confusion concerning love, Charlie was there to clear the path. I could have easily became a pregnant teenager or settled for less than I deserve. These phenomenons are all over my school and even within my household. I knew love had caused all these things but I did not know how. Perks made me realize these people were not in love but in pursuit of it. Charlie was in love, and he didn’t speak about Sam like my dad spoke about my mom, or how my classmates spoke about their girlfriends. Through all the voices tugging and pulling at me, urging me to hear them, it was Charlie’s voice that I listened to: “And that’s when I knew I loved her. Because there was nothing to gain, and that didn’t matter.” And that is when I knew my morals had changed for the better.
With a school that reflects the morals I keep close to my heart, and with the workshops offered that will help me create writing pieces like the ones that helped my heart get there; I could not imagine attending any other program. 


  1. aerial silks (summer)
  2. violin (school)
  3. guitar (?)
  4. french (school)
  5. rules of the road (now)
  6. sew (future)
  7. swing  (future)
  8. repairing shit on my own (future)  
  9. skateskateskateskateskateskate (summer) 


  1. electric forest
  2. fire hooping
  3. attending all the summer fire jams
  4. get in a car one day with someone and see where we end up
  5. moving out 

    1. English
    2. Creative writing
    3. English
    4. Creative writing
    5. Poli Sci
    6. Media studies

I don't know how I feel about poli sci/media anymore, because I don't know if I will do any substantial good. Plus, I hate politics. I don't know if I want to try to change things from the inside or simply detach myself completely from that world and create my own. Poli sci/media seems so on the surface.

It'd be funny if I end up being a writer. My dad always said I would be.   
My teacher from writing camp, Emily, also said I would be. She said that I have a strong sense of what is important to me.
I think it calls for one hell of a life if I do become one.
I wonder what I'll write about.........

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I think you'd be a great writer! I'd read all your works! Have you ever read "A Separate Peace" it's a pretty weird book. It's good though, I like it. It made me sad though... it's like something learned too late. I don't know. But that doesn't mean it's not worth learning... but if it's worth it it came too late.
    We should write something and exchange. I'd like that.
