Sunday, March 31, 2013

our drug dealer

"do you want that kill..or that murder?"

It's a tough call, but we went with the murder lol.

I hate when people think I have a problem. Even if I do, let me have it. I'm having fun. Geez.


Streets of Chicago that I adore:
1. WESTERN!!!!!!!
2. Belmont
3. Elston
4. Milwaulkee
5. Diversey
6. Pulaski
7. Fullerton
8. North
9. Damen

It feels good to bike-ride. I feel like the streets are my veins. I love the blurred sights of Chicagoans living.


"nah, she's not the type to go to a reunion. she's the kind to watch a film about it."

god knows i'll be at that reunion.

Jesus Christ, I love new beginnings.

in case yerika thinks i've forgotton about her

A relationship between a Gemini and an Aquarius features a strong bond between two people who share a good psychological association with each other. Gemini love innovative ideas and are attracted to Aquarius’ vision. Both partners relish their freedom. Disagreements could occur in their friendship, if Aquarius take a dislike to Gemini’s frivolous nature, or Gemini feel that Aquarius are too obstinate. The two star signs are ideally suited for each other. Aquarius would try hard to attain their shared ambition, and Gemini would do everything to support them. The partners just need to combine their efforts and direct them to fruitful purposes, and they could accomplish almost anything.

Yeah, this is a indication that I care. Lol.
so apparently making me mad is cute?
funny funny funny funny.
just because i know how untrue it is to other people.
oh the perceptions. the lenses.
they're all so funny.

my mom gave me seven dollars today. i'm in shock too. she's cute for that..

getting ready to go

it's so beautiful outside.
this summer i have a goal of wearing nothing but dresses and skirts.
let's hope i make it xxx

here's to not showering today.

now that i'm single

I never want to take showers.

"so i'm moving to NY cause I've got problems with my sleep."

Saturday, March 30, 2013

i don't give a shit

i'm punk rock.


what llana del rey should sound like:

this is the soundtrack to my spring break:

Friday, March 29, 2013


 my father and the bum

my father believed in work.
he was proud to have a 
sometimes he didn't have a
job and then he was very
he'd be so ashamed that he'd
leave the house in the morning
and then come back in the evening
so the neighbors wouldn't

I liked the man next door:
he just sat in a chair in
his back yard and threw darts
at some circles he had painted
on the side of his garage.
in Los Angeles in 1930
he had a wisdom that
Goethe, Hegel, Kierkegaard,
Nietzsche, Freud,
Jaspers, Heidegger and
Toynbee would find hard
to deny.

Charles Bukowski

take me out tonight/ where there's music and there's people and they're young and alivee

Hey beautiful!
I hope you are happy and feeling well, I love chilling with you; I feeel like I'm living not just floating along you know and I love how I feel that so much around you. I am (and I know this word is overused but I think its appropriate) totally blessed to know someone like you
I just realized that I left my new hoop at your houseeee so I guess Ill have to come retrieve it some time lol
Have a wonderous day, love
Love, Luna

I like putting things like this up because I know one day I'm going to look back and really appreciate this.

I just got back from a metal show. It was gory and loud and homey. I like this weather. It's the kind that replaces buses with loooooong walks. I met a guy named Milly on my way home. He asked me if my shoes were heavy and we hit it off from there. Life is ride, guys. Life is a ride.

I'm just here, drinking my pbr, about to decorate my room.

I love people. All kinds. 
I'll edit this later. Time to nap. DAMN YOU SLEEP. YOU WIN AGAIN.

mmm :)

libras. aries. aquariuses. gemini. leo. saggatarius.


I want to be twenty already.

“The further away I am from the human race, the better I feel. Two inches is great. Two miles is great. Two thousand miles is beautiful.”

Charles Bukowski


they said (s)he changes when the sun goes down

[missing one photo]

P.S photos are lies are truths

appearance is funny. photos are funny. memories are funny.  
blurred. accurate. falsely represented. i can't tell

i'm happy with who i am. that's all i can know. 
my photos are raw. in the dictionary definition sense.
if relationships were all about appearance, things would have definitely turned out different for me..
what a day/night/morning.
they should have a word for that, you know.   

toby's sleeping next to me. allyson is a few feet away. my parents are in joilet. I'm going to make allyson breakfast. life is good.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

This is going to be fun.
how does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?

a window

  • Ely Barajas
    what chu know about that chowder?
    • Jon Klownskeetz
      • Ely Barajas
        rawda lada tada dee
        • Jon Klownskeetz
          OK now I know you are crazy
          • Ely Barajas
            "some people never go crazy. What terrible lives they must have." - Bukowski.
          • Yeah, I'm pretty crazy. I'm fond of it though.
            • Ely Barajas
              What, did you expect me to be like oh no. i stick to enlighs? lol
              • Jon Klownskeetz
                Who is that polack bukowski
                • Ely Barajas
                  my idol.
                  • Jon Klownskeetz
                    No enlightenment
                    Who is he
                    • Ely Barajas
                      he is a poet/writer. i'm really fond of him. he was also an alchoholic. \
                      lol which makes him all the more fascinating
                    • Jon Klownskeetz
                      Well then That's great! We got a great child rolemodel here
                      How so? We all abuse some substance or another. Some more accepted then others
                      All actions release chemicals in your body/brain
                      At some point send me something over from him
                      • Ely Barajas
                        i think it's more fascinating due to the fact that most poets/writers weren't at all as cynical and pessemistic as he was. i just think it's important to look at that side of life because it is there. and although it may seem strange to idolize a man who consumed so much, (especially since i can see where you are derving your sarcasm from: all the praise of alchohal teenagers seem to have) but that's not at a the case.
                      • i feel like he has a different sort of lense. it's just interesting that something that can be so frowned upon could actually give him some sort of freedom a lot of people lack
                        have you ever read any of his poems?
                        i feel like if you have, you'd understand.
                        he was never really into the convientional norms of society. i really like "my father and the bum". he paid a lot of attention to the things that mattered in life while most people got sucked into whatever it was they were told to get sucked into..
                        i like "igloo" a lot too. and the quote "what matters most is how you walk through the fire."
                        challenge me. i enjoy this.
                      • Jon Klownskeetz
                        That's the thing
                        There was No sarcasm
                        • Ely Barajas
                          it seemed that way

                          • Jon Klownskeetz
                            I was serious, our perceptions of the world are built by us and the share that we are in now is a product of societal installation, when in fact we create our life's/reality
                            People think that there is so much to life, that there is some crazy thing that makes us alive, it isn't, it is just. Eries of chemicals reactions.. Which my point. Everyone has chemical dependencies, from heroin to coffee to a social integration with another human
                            I was just making lighthearted of the situation because I have something on my mind that I wanted to get rid of so I can sleep
                            A way to deal with my problems
                            Eh I didn't tie it together well... but ey I am on a phone
                            Ely Barajas
                            no I understand.
                            I'm gong to write something give me a second
                            I thought you were going to add something to it so that's why I didn't reply
                            I was waiting
                            but okay.
                            • Jon Klownskeetz
                              N I was serious about checking him out I think I've heard of him

                              • Ely Barajas
                                yeah he is really great. I recommend "ham on rye"!
                                Jon Klownskeetz
                                All good.. just a slight brush stroke to encompass the general line of thinking
                                • Ely Barajas
                                  what is it that you are trying to get ouf of your mind? i don't even know what we are discussing anymore, but i don't think it matters. i'm just going to say that i don't it's that black and white. i've thought of what you've said before. i thought of it when my first boyfriend broke up with me (lame lol, but true). I thought this is just one chemical reaction over another and therefor, it's stupid. I'm wired. Mechanical, even. When it's really not that at all. I think that's a very cynical way of looking at things and although I appreciate people who are cynical, I don't think that's the right kind.

                                  • Ely Barajas
                                    Alcohol fueled bukowski's cynicism but in a way that made sense.
                                    the world isn't black and white, it's a wide spectrum of colors.
                                    Jon Klownskeetz
                                    Hehe I accomplished what I was going for
                                    What isn't black and white?

                                      Ely Barajas
                                      the ways of a human
                                      our actions
                                      and what do you mean you accomplished what you were going for?
                                      Jon Klownskeetz
                                      Well Yea. Think of it this way: I am a graffiti writer, I believe what I do is not bad nor do I think that it harms nor do I think of the people I do harm. Other people can't think like me. What we believe is "good " and "bad " is just a reflection of the social environment we are brought up in.... and even though we are brought up in a certain way and specific things are told to us, there will always be people who have a different set of morals and ideals.
                                      • Jon Klownskeetz
                                        Sociopaths is the term that encompasses most of these people
                                        • Jon Klownskeetz
                                          But as an extreme example think of terrorists, due to what is told to us, we believe what they do is bad... but to them it is the other way around... who is right? No one really... although our way seems to be the one that allows us to coexist Which is theoretically a better model
                                          • Jon Klownskeetz
                                            Oh I was trying to cover myself in a shroud of confusion
                                            To advance the conversation
                                              Ely Barajas
                                              lol. I was about to say that I didn't see the link between what was said eariler and this. Yeah, I agree. "nothing is either wrong or right but thinking makes it so". It's one of my favorite quotes. so what is it that you accomplsihed?
                                              • Jon Klownskeetz
                                                You said our actions are nit bnw
                                                That he was cynical towards the world
                                                Yea because he was probably fed up with one or more aspects the reality around him functioned
                                                He wasn't down to just follow the path that society wanted him to take
                                                Is that from him too? The quote
                                              • I cud be completely wrong. But idk seems like it... with that one title.. father and the bum .. just not very prepared to conversate about a poet whose works I've never read
                                                But alcoholics usually drink for one of few reasons
                                                • Ely Barajas
                                                  no. the right or wrong quote is from hamlet, by shakesphere. i've never read hamlet though.
                                                  lol i just know the quote
                                                  Jon Klownskeetz
                                                  Lol... I've read it but overlooked that quote
                                                  • Ely Barajas
                                                    lol that's pretty funny. i know a lot of shakesphere quotes, but i've never read his stuff. i like 't'is the self by which we suffer' a lot too..i used to really agree with it now, but this year has taught me that it's not really true. sometimes emotions can hold back logic from doing it's
                                                    • Jon Klownskeetz
                                                      Do you just look thru lists of quotes? 呵呵呵
                                                      • Ely Barajas
                                                        no. they just kind of show up.
                                                        • Jon Klownskeetz
                                                          Sorry to say it but duhhhh
                                                          • Ely Barajas Barajas
                                                            lol, i was a pretty firm believer that my mind controed everything
                                                            • Jon Klownskeetz
                                                              That has always been said... the battle between logic and emotion
                                                              Haha. To fit you're situations
                                                              Yup. Your mind is always out to find evidence to support your thinking and overlooks ones that dont /deny
                                                              Hard to find evidence to disapprove yourself
                                                              • Ely Barajas
                                                                lol. well, i found out about the shakesphere one because i was researching the four noble truths. i was all like "yeah! total detachment from things! eliminat suffering!" but that didn't work out lol...i've actually learned to appreciate suffering. i'm a lot more compassionate because of it, i think. and haha, yeah. at silly as this may sound, i've never really believed that until i fell in love. i'm not the kind of person to get attached to things. i'm all about movement.
                                                              expeirencing. i've never really had to battle my emotions, you know? it's been an interesting year.
                                                              • Jon Klownskeetz
                                                                Tell me something I shud think about... lol other shud know?
                                                                After u done with this!
                                                                YES YES YE SYES
                                                                OMG YES
                                                                EXACTLY WHERE I STANDDNOW
                                                                I am a name of change, I do not fear it I indulge in it
                                                                • Ely Barajas
                                                                  that was very nicely said. ^-^
                                                                    Jon Klownskeetz
                                                                    I understand the mechanics of missing something, I am a man of reason and logic
                                                                    Yet for some reason these primitive.... simple... reactions... get to me
                                                                    It's like I know about it yet I cannot escape it
                                                                    I am doomed to repeat the same mistakes and things my ancestors have been doing for thousands of years
                                                                    • Ely Barajas
                                                                      sorry for what? there is no reaso to apologize. you know what's a funny thought thats a bit disturbing? our closest ancestors are apes. It makes everything a lot less serious. Well, I guess it depends on your ange. From what I can tell, that's exactly the kind of thinking your trying to escape.
                                                                        Jon Klownskeetz
                                                                        Detachment is an ideal, yet it is very difficult to achieve... monks of all religions aim to achieve it, yet few can truly reach it... that is why the people who have are held in such esteem
                                                                        Go on
                                                                        • Ely Barajas
                                                                          you are generalizing too much. look at the details and you'll realize it's not that way at all. and honestly, i wouldn't want to reach detachment. i like the suffering that comes from all this. it makes me feel more human. i don't understand at all why someone would strive to be a saint.
                                                                          • Ely Barajas
                                                                            i'm very happy i've been hurt by love. as pathetic as it's made me at times, i've learned from it. i just feel like shit like that adds substance to my life. it's exhilerating.
                                                                              Jon Klownskeetz
                                                                              Because you transcend being human... that is the point. We later told everyday that I am I and you are you, but in reality we are one entity working together and intertwined with our environment...
                                                                              When Europeans came to the America's the Indians thought they had a mental disorder.. hoarding things they didn't need.. everything had a sense of ownership, etc...
                                                                              • Jon Klownskeetz
                                                                                I wish I could understand this and transcend my desire for objects and other earthly wants, but it is hard
                                                                                • Ely Barajas
                                                                                  i get the fact that you transcend being human. I acknowledged it. But that doesn't asnwer why it is desirable. I like my dysfunction. Consistant happiness seems like a bore. I like mistakes. I like learning. I like change.
                                                                                  • Jon Klownskeetz
                                                                                    I just hate the feeling of regret.. regret that I did things a certain way but not another... a regret of actions I cannot change... regret for my blindness in a situation... a regret for taking things for granted
                                                                                    • Ely Barajas
                                                                                      but regrets teach you things.
                                                                                      and who knows? what if the next situation is better than the last.
                                                                                      • Jon Klownskeetz
                                                                                        It isn't a state of happiness.... it is a state that is past human feelings
                                                                                        I also hate seeing all the effort I put in disappear.... monetary, time, emotion.
                                                                                        Like I have the last two to give again, I just can't do the first one anymore...
                                                                                        And I feel like people these days value that alot....
                                                                                      • Idk going to China made me are that we are driven by money so much and it is sad..
                                                                                        Yea you do learn.... but I like to fix things...
                                                                                        Why buy a new one when you can fix the old one...
                                                                                        Just tossing the old one away and buying a new one is so wasteful..
                                                                                        I am going to let you have the last word and I am going to sleep.
                                                                                        After addressing this issue leave me with something unrelated to think about.. or that you'd like me to know. Lol.
                                                                                        Something interesting lol
                                                                                        • Ely Barajas
                                                                                          okay. lol i shall.
                                                                                          Jon Klownskeetz
                                                                                          But reply to this too!
                                                                                          • Ely Barajas
                                                                                            well: i think you are going through a really introspective period and i'm very excited/optimistic with what the result is going to be. A lot of people never really take the time to breathe. It's easy to think things in the abstract but hard to put them in the concrete. I'm curious to see what actions will result from your new way of thinking. Whatever it is, don't wallow in your sadness/fustration. At least not for too long. Alyric I like by Interpol is "and we can find new ways of living". I don't think you'll ever reach enlighenment, at least not the kind that budda was talking about, but you'll reach something. you know?
                                                                                            • Ely Barajas
                                                                                              Okay thought to ponder on: I have an obession with the beatles and who they are as individuals and how it links to their music. I'm obsessed with the fact that they can create such beautiful music, yet do some terrible things. Did you know that Paul and John used to tell their partners how to dress/act/ etc. It's just funny that they can be labeled as "progressive" yet not allow their partner to work? it's crazy and i'm constantly trying to make sense of their lives.
                                                                                              • Ely Barajas
                                                                                                i know they're not all peace and rainbows
                                                                                              • have you heard of how john and yoko met? it's a pretty interesting story. he liked her because of her art spoke to him. ti's funny, when you don't have to say a word to one another and that's enough.
                                                                                                they did not allow*
                                                                                                • Jon Klownskeetz
                                                                                                  N Oh Yea I won't be enlightened.. I have my own way an line of thinking I will be utilizing to progress through life
                                                                                                  I like to take bits and pieces of everything and use it while making it mine...
                                                                                                  Greatest strength and weakness
                                                                                                  • Ely Barajas
                                                                                                    yeah dude, remember "what matters most is how you walk through the fire."
                                                                                                    • Jon Klownskeetz
                                                                                                      I just would like to continue to employ the idea that the hoarding of objects is a mental disability and I would like to live modestly while using whatever remains to help others that are not as fortunate as me... as little or much as that might be
                                                                                                      Quote girl here
                                                                                                      • Ely Barajas
                                                                                                        lol. i am. they put my life in perspective.