Wednesday, March 27, 2013

hello fellow blog readers


So May 22nd (the birthday of Morrissey and yours truly) is coming up and as we all know, or don't, I'm going to get a tattoo.
I thought I was going to get "t'is the self by which we suffer", but now I'm thinking I should get:
 what matters most is how well you walk through the fire 
I like them both, but I feel like the Bukowski quote acknowledges the fact that we have both intuitive and cognitive skills and how we choose to use them is what really matters. The shakesphere quote is kind of just like mind over everything. Although I feel that way quite a lot, it's not always true.And let's be honest: do I really know shakesphere? No, I fucking don't. Do I know Bukowski? *fond voice* Yeaahh.... I know that crazy man :)
Maybe I'll get the latter later on through life...but right now, this one feels right. I want to have a whole bunch of words as tattoos when I'm older and just one image. I wonder what I'll look like, if i'll stop after my 18th birthday, or whatever whatever whatever.

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