Wednesday, March 20, 2013

having high standards can really suck sometimes.

actually no, it doesn't suck. just drags.

1 comment:

  1. I text you the other day in response to a post u wrote it said, "Elyyyyyy I hope you're okay :)"

    Dude, sometimes it overwhelms me the fact that we exist.. I went through this existential phase or maybe I'm still in it lol when I would just be like damn.. and I kept reading nihilist crap and was sucked into it. Lol. Anyway, I'm still not sure... ion the one hand it means you breathe. On the other hand it means u breathe and think and commit actions.
    In my own brenda opinion it means that in one way or another you do SOMETHING. And your existence causes thing... mostly for people who know you. At this point I have a lof of friends in far away places... and they exist! They are more than flat words on a page, email, or text. It weirds me out. P.s. we should hangout soon.

    And oh I like to lie. Lol
