Wednesday, March 27, 2013

inside a fountain inside wicker park

Igloo by Charles Bukowski

his name was Eddie and he had a
big white dog
with a curly tail
a huskie
like one of those that pulled sleighs
up near the north pole
Igloo he called him
and Eddie had a bow and arrow
and every week or two
he'd send an arrow
into the dog's side
then run into his mother's house
through the yelping
saying that Igloo had fallen on
the arrow.
that dog took quite a few arrows and
managed to
but I saw what really happened and didn't
like Eddie very much.
so when I broke Eddie's leg
in a sandlot football game
that was my way of getting even
for Igloo.

his parents threatened to sue my
claiming I did it on purpose because
that's what Eddie
told them.

well, nobody had any money anyhow
and when Eddie's father got a job
in San Diego
they moved away and left the
we took him in.

Igloo turned out to be rather dumb
did not respond to very much
had no life or joy in him
just stuck out his tongue
slept most of the time
when he wasn't eating
and although he wiped his ass
up and down the lawn after
he usually had a large fragrant smear of
under his tail

when he was run over by an
icecream truck
3 or 4 months later
and died in a stream of scarlet
I didn't feel more than the
usual amount of grief
and loss
and I was still glad that I
had managed to
break Eddie's leg.

edit: this reminds me of this:
"The family watched it's a wonderful life which is a very beautiful movie. And all I could think about was why didn't they make a movie about Uncle Billy? George Bailey was an important man in the town. Because of him, a whole bunch of people got to get out of the slums. He saved a town, and when his dad died, he was the only guy who could do it. He wanted to live an adventure, but he stayed behind and sacrified his dreams for the better good of his community. And then when that made him sad, he was going to kill himself. He was going to die because his life insurance money woud have taken care of his family. And then an angel comes down and shows him what life would be if he had never been born. How the whole town would have suffered. And how his wife woud have been an "old maid". And my sister didn't even say anything about how that's such an old-fashioned thing this year. Every other year my sister says something about how Mary was working for a living, and just because she's not married, doesn't mean that she is worthless. But this year she didn't. I didn't know why. I thought it might be about that secret boy of hers. Or maybe it's what happened in the car on the way over to grandma's house. I just wanted the movie to be about Uncle Billy because he drank a lot and was fat and lost the money in the first place. I wanted the angel to come down and show us how Uncle Billy's life had meaning. Then, I think I'd feel better."

I have so much love for Wicker Park. I really do. I'm thinking the only image tattoo I have will represent that. I want a bike and some other stuff. I don't know yet. Maybe it's the liquor that has me talking out of my ass right now. I try to get my ass to stop talking. I tell it, "ass, I have a mouth for a reason", but it just doesn't listen guys. It just doesn't listen.

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