Friday, March 22, 2013

Monday, April 15, 7:00-9:00pm
--Essay Fiesta at The Book Cellar, 4736 N Lincoln Ave

Wednesday, April 17, 7:00-9:00pm
--Guts and Glory: Live Lit for the Lionhearted at Powell's Bookstores, 2850 N Lincoln Ave

Thursday, April 18, 6:30pm
Mara Tapp Live (to benefit Cool Classics!) at the Gratz Center at Fourth Presbyterian Church, 126 E Chestnut

Thursday, April 25, 5:00-6:30pm
--Chapbook Release Party!


There is this girl in gym that never fails to make me laugh. I play volleyball with her. Throughout the game she yells "hit that shit!". Lol. Everytime the ball is obviously mine she exclaims "that's all you girl!". I love it! Absolutely love it. I like her. She reminds me of this song for some reason:

A conversation I'd like to remember:
E: I hate when musicans don't write their own music
Mr.R: So you don't like any musician that's on the radio?
E: Yeah. That sounds pretty accurate.
Mr.R: -laugh- Not creating your own music changes what it means to be a musiciain. 
E: *perks up* I just feel like they're liars! You know, I was researching the other day on Britney Spears. Me, Yerika, and Kristina kind of relived the 90s for a moment, and I discovered that Lucky, the only song I can actually sympathize with this girl, the song I thought was a window into this girl's life, was actually written by two GUYS. two GUYS.
Mr.R: -starts hysterically laughing- (he turned red lol) You know why they do that right?
E: Tell me. I'm actually very interested in this.
Mr.R: Money
E: -sighs- You know what sucks is that I bet she might actually be cool. Buried in the plastic glamour. It's not her fault she was chosen to be a puppet for the music industry. I feel like she might be a cool person to know.
Mr.R: No. Probably not.

Avril said that she feels weird singing music that hasn't written. She writes most of her songs. When she was cool, they were all hers. She got some help from other people, but her voice was still there, you know? That's pretty awesome. I didn't know that until today. I don't know why it bothers me. I just feel like you can't say you like the musician if they're a puppet. You like the songwriters they have working for them. You like the picture of them. But you don't like them. I mean, does that matter? Do you have to like them? No. You don't. But I don't know. It matters to me.

On another note, an image of Natalie keeps plopping into my head. She's someone I went to grammer school with. She talked with a lisps and every time she pronounced something with the "t" sound, you could see her tongue planted in the middle of her teeth. She always wore her hair in a pony-tail and the pony-tail was braided. I remember quite vividly, her pointing at a banana and telling me she knew something. I asked her what. And she said that bananas have vitamins. They're good for you and I should eat them. I don't remember anything else.

grungy angsty pre-teen music. i can dig it. I miss my sister's radio.

Yerika really liked Hilary Duff LOL. You should have seen her singing along to her music yesterday. Aww, I love you Yerika.

an oldie, but a goodie:
slowly we unfold, as lotus flowers.

In fourth grade, we had to a career day in honor of spirit week. I dressed up as the [the lead singer from] evanescence. I remember having a really hard time finding black jeans. I totally forgot about this song. How nice.

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