Friday, June 7, 2013

It's weird when a song can soothe you and you look at what it saying and you wonder why those words soothe you and it baffles you but at the same time are happy that it does and come to accept it. better yet, embrace it.
music can mend things you're unaware of.
that's fucking magic.

of course, I have to thank Paul here.
He's who I was thinking of when I wrote that.
I love you Paul.
I really do.

"Ram on..
give you're heart to somebody
right away...
right away..."

I don't think my interpretation coincides with the top comment though.

what is it that I'm hearing?

I don't know.

I don't know what I'd do if I were to ever meet you. I think about it all the time. I think i'd just really like a hug. I think that would say everything.

I don't know what it is about him.

Yeah, you're definitely my favorite beatle.
I'm saying this with tears streaming down my face and I don't know why that is.
It must sound crazy to you guys and cheesy, but this is genuine.
I guess it's an overwhelming appreciation that I feel.

Tonight is going to be nice.

"hands across the water
hands across the sky"

I think he says heads, but I like hands better.
This song has hit the spot today too:
Paul :) <3

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