Monday, June 3, 2013

People I'm glad I'm not.

I think the phrase "geez, sucks to be you" fits quite nicely.

1. Kenneth Lay

"Ken Lay was a close friend of the Bush family. He first established a relationship with Vice President George H. W. Bush, making large campaign contributions to him and heading several critical committees in the Republican Party including being co-chairman of his 1992 re-election committee as well as the chairman of the Republican National Convention. At the request of George H. W. Bush, Mr. Lay helped to orchestrate the World Economic Summit in Houston. Lay was a prolific Republican Party contributor nicknamed "Kenny Boy" by President George W. Bush, he was also Houston's most influential power broker for a decade. Mr. Lay remained close friends with Mr. Bush, eventually establishing a close relationship with his son, then Texas Governor George W. Bush.[13]
When Governor George W. Bush ran for president, Lay served as host at big fund-raisers and contributed plenty of his own money to the effort. After Bush won, the new President and his wife flew to Washington with Mr. Lay on an Enron corporate plane.[14] In December 2000, Lay was mentioned as a possible candidate for President Bush's Treasury Secretary along with head Douglas A. Warner III of J.P. Morgan & Co., but Paul O'Neill was eventually selected.[15]"

well, waddya know?

2. Jeffrey Skilling

"During his admissions interview for Harvard Business School, he stated that he was asked if he was smart, to which he supposedly replied, "I'm fucking smart"."

"Richard Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene was Skilling's favorite book and served as the foundation of his managerial philosophy. Skilling held, by Skilling's interpretation, a Darwinian view of what makes the world work. He believed that money and fear was the only thing that motivated people. He set up the performance review system (PRC) in which employees were graded from 1 to 5. Ten percent of people had to be a five, regardless of absolute performance; those 10% were to be fired. The scheme came to be known as "rank and yank". Skilling said "The PRC process is the most important process we conduct as a company".
Dawkins has distanced himself from Enron and Skilling, saying that Skilling misunderstood his book. Dawkins has said that he has never advocated selfishness as a means of progression"

If you don't know about the Enron scandal, do yourself a favor and eat a donut ^-^.
Lol. I say that because I hate when people tell me to do myself a favor and read/learn about something they like. It's like...Idk. There is just something about it I don't like.

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