Saturday, June 8, 2013

two more weeks. two more weeks.

i have something to admit today. I've always been really scared of looking up at the stars. I hate how small it makes me feel, like the world is just about to chew me up and spit me back out. Every time I look at the stars, what Corey said at writing camp about the night sky being a fucking blanket with dots poked into them or whatever but she said it real poetic like.  I always think of that. And I always think hm..maybe I'm missing out on something if I don't see it. BUt I don't fucking see it. God writing camp was such a weird time. The best part was the bus ride back to the airports. I always think of the quote some dude said about knowing nothing but stars and wonder or whatever. And I think...Sure. Anyway, today I looked at them and took them in and I wasn't scared. That sounds so incredibly stupid, but it's true lol. Make of it what you want. It was pretty The whole thing..

fuck I don't know about this creative writing bullshit.
i'm really terrified

and i hate how predictable i am

somethings wrong

let's see what happens.

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