Saturday, June 8, 2013

yesterday was so weird.
i'm really glad i had adam and pedro there.
especially adam.
his presence is so calming for me and I guess it's because he never says anything
I guess it's more than that but I can't explain it
i wish i could write down how i felt about it, all the things i've seen.... but that' s impossible.
i'm scared shitless of everything lol..
despite being so judgmental on myself, i hope never to be that way toward another person. i hope I never to let my emotions cloud how i feel. well that sounds stupid doesn't it lol..
i wonder what i'm going to do with myself. it's very thrilling and i enjoy all parts of my life, from the times that i hate everyone to the times that i love everyone to the times where i'm just like..okay.  lol...

"nothing is permanent because everything is permanent"

hmm hmmm hmm hmmmm

despite everything that was said, i'm totally gonna do my English class lol.
I mean wtf, I need to graduate.
i'd be stupid not to.

lol everything just seems to making me laugh now.

look a bear

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