Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I want to play with the word spare change but I don't know how so here I go being honest:

I started thinking about "changing the world" and this kid Leo (that's his name. It's leosomething. I don't know. His sister is really pretty Lol. She was always so nice to me and would call me cutie when I didn't even know her lol. Anyway, he's in the finance video. I'll post it) and his ambition and his want to create an invention that will leave a mark on...the world. I asked myself "what exactly am I changing?"
I don't think I've change the world, but I do think I've changed a world. Every day I've spent with Aaron has been/felt like the first. Well, mostly. We've had some bad times, but I'm not complaining.
That being said..I think I've changed several worlds and I'd like to think for the better. I'd like to think I've made them more harmonious. That's the best way to describe it I think.
I've changed my mom's world. Flipped it upside down. From the gecko, I've hurt her. She almost died giving birth to me. Those age scars or w/e they're called on her face? Me. That weight? Me. I was nine pounds, almost ten, and came into this world smiling. Just kidding. I was wailing my eyes out. (side: my friend's baby came out silent. I am friends with this baby. baby logan!! =] )
But the question here wasn't if I've changed a world, or several, it's if I've changed the world and that my friends is a definite no.
I haven't stirred up the waters one bit.
I'm still undecided to what my move should be.

Change is such an abstract word, thought, and when I go about it I want to be good. It's so hard for change to be good or drastic or immediate.
I guess I'd be okay being a stepping stone for someone. What really matters is that things get done.

I just don't know if things will get done.
Allow me to explain.
Take the ERA for example. This stands for the Equal Rights Amendment. It is an amendment
a proposed amendment that guarantees equal rights to woman . It almost became an amendment but a few decades ago, people decided it was too far fetched of a plan. TOO FAR FETCHED OF A PLAN. My feeling of indignation toward that is another story and right now I want to focus on: change.
So say..I worked my butt off to get this passed and it happens and I taste victory and I create "change". what happens?
change the world: ERA is implemented

change: if a girl sues, it'll probably be easier for her to win the lawsuit
world: equal is an unstable word that some people cannot comprehend or choose to reject. A rule, or piece of paper, mean nothing. At least, in this case. (I'm thinking of the Civils Rights Act. That meant a lot)
I think it'd be cool to be a hard core feminist and fight for change, but I wouldn't want to be criticized for stupid shit like following someone's idea of what feminist is if it doesn't coincide with mine.
 I'm still trying to find what I want to invest my heart in whole..heartingly. It's a hard task and a fun one.
I told aaron once that my idea of changing the world would be to help a president that wasn't democratic/republican and that had good ideas get elected and WIN. That's right. Elephants and donkeys, pack your backs. You're leavin the white house and going back to the wild..where you belong! What? Okay. Back. I thought i'd be col if instead of a select few people purchasing America and having a stock in what it should look like ..the people of America could decide. I'm talking the ones without the purchasing power. I want the what America is to stem from the hearts and minds of people and not their wallets.
I don't know If I want that anymore.

I'm grateful for the change some people have bestowed upon us when it comes to dealing with the government. I think that's the hardest kind of change.
I'm thinking of Martin Luther King and Gandhi.
They are living inspirations. Their life is an example.
I want to find something I fully believe in like they did. Where are you thing I can fully believe in? I seem to be skeptical and weary of everything.
I guess maybe I just don't know enough, but that doesn't mean I won't in due time.

You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics. - Charles Bukowski

read this:

"small change seems to matter more".

well that's definitely one idea that has its perks and its downfalls just like mostly everything else.

"vague political agenda" lmao

I like the idea of a change occurring from science but it also scares me and let's be realistic here. I'd never major in science.

I think I'm just going to focus on changing the worlds of the people around me and then some. I'm going to try to make their lives as enjoyable as I hope I can. This doesn't mean that I won't try, it just means that I don't have expectations.

I'm scared of thinking too much and not acting and getting caught in a not so fun limbo. Mr.Rychlewski was talking today about how much he hates Hamlet for being so indecisive and drowning his life in his thoughts. I might be part Hamlet guys. I might be part Hamlet.

People who have changed the world:
1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Gandhi
3. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison
4. The doors
5. Martin Luther King
6. Buddha
7. Shakesphere
8. Hitler
9. Socrates
10. Albert Einstein
11. Galileo Galilei (my nigga)
12. Oscar Wilde
13. Picasso
14. J.F.K
15. Elvis Presley
16. Bill Gates
17. Steve Jobs
18. Queen Elizabeth
19. Plato

what is real change? that's a question Ill save for another time.

If I could change the world...I'd chose to change it by being a writer. I'd like to make people think. That's all I could really ask for. I hope the thinking would make them kinder people. I hope I'd change them internally. That way, I can reach many worlds, a world, and the world.


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