Tuesday, May 28, 2013

it's the harsh reality she says.

but what if i can change it?

reality. heh. funny.

"No man can tell whether he is rich or poor by turning to his ledger. It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has.”
-Henry Ward Beecher


  1. Reality shmality. Lol.

  2. H3Y H0m3gurl.
    lmfao. J.k.
    What are you doing on saturday? :)

    Have you ever read "House on Mango Street?" I bet you did. Or maybe not... it's one of those books i'll reread over and over again, I think.
    What about "like water for chocolate?"
    I don't really remember what that one was about but i remember i really liked it in the 6th grade.


    LOL "seven heaven." :P
    I hope you like that short story. I loved it. She's brilliant and hilarious. I'm, obviously, in love.

  3. "Perhaps you should stick with this mistake. Perhaps your creative writing isn't all that bad. Perhaps it is fate. Perhaps this is what your dad meant when he said, ''It's the age of computers, Francie, it's the age of computers.'

    Start dating someone who is funny, someone who has what in high school you called a ''really great sense of humor'' and what now your creative writing class calls ''self-contempt giving rise to comic form.'' "


    wow this makes me not want to major in creative writing.
    especially this:
    "In creative writing seminars over the next two years, everyone continues to smoke cigarettes and ask the same things: ''But does it work?'' ''Why should we care about this character?'' ''Have you earned this cliche?'' These seem like important questions.

    The writing professor this fall is stressing the Power of the Imagination (that kills me). Which means he doesn't want long descriptive stories about your camping trip last July. He wants you to start in a realistic context but then to alter it. Like recombinant DNA. He wants you to let your imagination sail, to let it grow big-bellied in the wind. This is a quote from Shakespeare. "

    I'll probably still do it though lol. Who knows really.
    i'm thinking about John Lennon and how he went to art school and thought it was a joke and became part of the most influential band in the world. I'm thinking of Michael Angelo who went to art school and became one of the most influenctial artists in the world.

    This defintely reminds me of this peice "why write?". I'll read it to you on Saturday.

    " The first line will be ''Call me Fishmeal,''"
    fucking hilarious. needless to say, the first sentence is how far i've gotten in moby dick. i still have it laying around though..and i'll get to it..maybe. lol. i don't think you go into writing having a new "vision" though. i think you just go into writing and release yourself and if that just so happens to be a merge of melvile with comtemporary or whatever the fuck, then cool. I'm not going to force anything though, and I guess I shouldn't put so much faith in chance/risk/whatever you want to call it, but I do.

    "The next semester the writing professor is obsessed with writing from personal experience. You must write from what you know, from what has happened to you. He wants deaths, he wants camping trips. Think about what has happened to you. In three years there have been three things: you lost your virginity; your parents got divorced; and your brother came home from a forest 10 miles from the Cambodian border with only half a thigh, a permanent smirk nestled into one corner of his mouth.

    About the first you write: ''It created a new space, which hurt and cried in a voice that wasn't mine, 'I'm not the same anymore, but I'll be O.K.' ''

    About the second you write an elaborate story of an old married couple who stumble upon an unknown land mine in their kitchen and accidentally blow themselves up. You call it: ''For Better or for Liverwurst.''

    About the last you write nothing. There are no words for this. Your typewriter hums. You can find no words."

    I really love this part.

    Yeah, I really loved the story. Thanks for sharing it. She does have a "'self-contempt giving rise to comic form" lmao.

    Nope I haven't read either of them. I've never been really into books about spanish culture and I don't want to sound like I've rejected them, I've just never really looked for them or they haven't really crossed my path. I like Junot Diaz though and I remember liking Esperanza rising.

    this story also reminded me of this:

  4. oh btw, saturday: would you like to come over? i'd like it if you did.

  5. bring stuff. lol. cool stuff.
