Monday, May 20, 2013

my kind of soap opera


all I can say is: holy shit.

Talk about fucked up.
The last thing to make me feel this amount of indignation and sorrow is "requiem for a dream". I'm talking mostly about the mother who eats those weight loss pills as if they were candy. A kind loving tender nurturing old lady..yes lady...who got reduced to nothing all because of the desire to be beautiful and fit in that red dress...

the poor king put trust in his daughters..and one bad case of misjudgment has caused him much suffering...
this once powerful king is now being reduced to nothing because he gave his daughters (well all but one. it's complicated) everything
I guess why they call shakesphere's work "tragedies".


I wonder how i'd act in a position of authority.
I wonder how i'd act in a position of authority in which my patience is being tested.
would I be cruel?
whose to say...
I asked mr.rychlewski once if he were born in Germany, a german, under the rule of Hitler, would he believe what hiter says or would he be the kind to help an Ann Frank...
and he said that he doesn't know. (GOOD ANSWER.)
that the difference between a hero and a villain is about a tissue thin apart.
something like that. I probably asked it better the first time and his answer was definitely better than what I said.

I guess we really are what time and circumstance have made us.
how strong are our morals if our morals are derived from what we've experienced...and how we've reacted those experiences..
how much of who we are comes from nothing?

another interesting thing i'd like to add about this story is the king's youngest daughter.
she decided to let her love speak for itself.
and it was a dreadful mistake for the king not to accept it.
it's interesting, you know, because some people are like that.
you just have to have trust in them that it'll show. and if you do, it will.
"you're asking me will my love grow?
well I don't know....I don't know...
you stick around and it may show
but I don't know. I don't know"
- something by The Beatles
but the king didn't. he didn't realize that words can be shallow, especially when called upon the way he called upon it.
oh king....we should've been friends. I would have helped you over a cup of tea and a joint while an episode of spongebob plays in the background.

When we see that our betters have the same problems we do, we can almost forget our own misery. The person who suffers alone suffers the most.

The king is mad. How stiff is my vile sense,
That I stand up and have ingenious feeling
Of my huge sorrows. Better I were distract—
So should my thoughts be severed from my griefs,
And woes by wrong imaginations lose
The knowledge of themselves.
The king is insane. I hate the fact that I’m sane enough to be aware of my own great suffering. It’d be better to be delirious and unaware of anything. Then my mind would be free of sorrow, and sadness would be forgotten in my hallucinations.

Yet better thus, and known to be contemned,
Than still contemned and flattered. To be worst,
The lowest and most dejected thing of fortune
Stands still in esperance, lives not in fear.
The lamentable change is from the best;
The worst returns to laughter. Welcome, then,
Thou unsubstantial air that I embrace!
The wretch that thou hast blown unto the worst
Owes nothing to thy blasts.
Still, I’m better off now, as a beggar who is openly hated, than when I was flattered to my face hated in secret. The lowliest and most dejected creatures live without fear and still harbor hope. The worst kind of change is when good fortune turns sour. At the bottom, any change is for the better. So I welcome this wind freely. I’ve sunk as far down as I can go, so I’ve got nothing more to fear from the weather.

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