Tuesday, May 28, 2013

hello I'm ely, and I'm a straight A student.

right right.

i'm thinking about my online classes. more specifacally, I'm think about the times that I felt a sense of dread because I thought I didn't have enough for x college. AP Environmental Science! Throw it in my schedule! I'll gladly throw away hours of my life so I can meet your requirements sto make myself "eligble". Doesn't matter that once I get there hours aren't the only things I'll be throwing away. Yes, that means I'll be throwing papers at teachers. No, I'm joking. I meant throwing away everything I had worked for because I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready. And that's not a bad or sad thing. It just is. I am being patient and trying to find a medium that I am happy with.
I lost sight of who I was and saw who I wanted to be when I was like that.
The only good thing about it was that my dad was really happy.
But at what cost?
He still gets happy..I think..
Or remember what he said "I don't think about these things".

I don't want to undermine at all the admiration I have for people who are completely good and still manage to find a happy balance between school work and life.
I'll be there soon, I think. I hope. I know.

You can loose your soul anywhere. Not just academics. In my case, it's the one I'm most worried about because..it affects me more than fame lol

This was eerie to read:

Moon Sign for 22 May 1995 12:00:00 CDT:

Pisces Degree: 16° 04'
People with the Moon in the same degree

Intuitive, imaginative, compassionate, romantic, easily influenced. Likes emotionally rich situations, enjoys being creative. Hates strict rules and discipline.
Sensitivity, changeability, rich imagination - these are the distinguishing features of the Moon in Pisces individuals. They are so perceptible to others' emotions that can be deeply moved by a situation in which someone else would never notice anything special. They try to avoid strict order or rigid rules and prefer to create around them a kind of "creative chaos", as if protesting against requirement to put things on their places.
Rich imagination of the Moon in Pisces helps these people in creative endeavours, but their negative trait can be a lack of reliability and responsibility. They don't know to where and when they will swim away next time - but at least not to a place where they will be required to do something. If they meet an obstacle, the Moon in Pisces people will find a way around. They will never storm or forcefully demand anything. Quietly and softly moving from one situation to another, they will be looking for a place with a cleaner emotional atmosphere.
To release stress, the Moon in Pisces folks might want to stay alone in some romantic surroundings and to day dream. They are able to meditate naturally, to travel in their imagination to a different reality. It may be good for them to live or at least to spend their vacations near a body of water, best of all a sea or an ocean. Even by simply spending a little time at the sea shore they will immediately feel significant relief.
Unfortunately, many of the Moon in Pisces people are prone to smoking and alcohol as a way to get an emotional relief. This might help for a period, but their body is very sensitive to contamination and consequences of such an unnatural relief can be really detrimental.
The Moon in Pisces parents are kind and full of compassion, they are ready to understand and forgive anyone. They like fairy tales even more than their kids and can read them for hours. They will take an active part in development of creative abilities and imagination of their children. But one thing where they are not helpful is in teaching their children how to deal with the real world, how to be responsible and ordered. They have no idea about this themselves.

I admire people who get along with time and responsibilty because they seem to always be hiding from me.
wow. that was so eerie to read. waayy more accurate than Libra.
The only thing I idenitied with that was being diplomatic.
Leo as my rising sign is pretty cool too. It's true. I do dress kind of funkay lol. Today, I got sent to the disciplinary office and Mr.Birdman (?) called my outfit "goofy". lololol. I don't mind though. My brother Abraham always laughs at me too, but I actually love it when he does.
we're composed of a universe.
horoscopes are interesting and i don't regret ever getting into them. i'm pretty much reading about peoples views on life and motives for doing things and even if it doesn't neccessarily link with one sign it will with a person, you know? 
I guess I should just stop trying to predic things, and just trying to understand them.
it's impossible to be spot-on because we're not just one sign, we're many. we're one sign in seconds and another once its passed.

There are people who are not going to like your tattoos and there are people who are going to understand them.

My brother went to EDC. He's always getting tickets for free, that lucky fuck. Lol. He is on a happiness streak. I'm just worried that he'll have so much happiness that there won't be any left. Ecstasy can do that to you. I've never seen him so free though, so full of laughter. He had a severe case of what I like to call the giggles lol. I guess for the first time ever, he went to a real rave. He kept talking about how the people were so nice for no reason..and I'm like "yeah. that's the best part". Raving used to be a whole nother world. Now it still is, but not one I'd like to be in. 
My brother said that when he was with Casey he didn't like raving because he would always have to stay by Casey's side. "why are you talking to that girl? where are you going?" I told him "well, that's the price you pay to be in love" and he said "fuck that!" and made a waving gesture as if he were slapping it away.
He started talking about how much he wanted to get me a birthday present and how he wished he would have taken me to EDC with him. We could have gotten on the rides together. He forgot I was eighteen Lol so he thought I couldn't.
Even if we didn't do any of those things, it means a lot that he wanted to. I could tell he really wanted to. It would have be nice to be out there, rolling face, listening to music, with my awesome brother. Yes, this is how my family bonds. I like to think of us as fun.
It's weird that I can love him so much and know he loves me when we really don't do much. I can feel it though. Is that enough? (It comes out sometimes though, you know; at the right moments)
I'm only saying this because I have a half brother/sister that lives in Wisconsin that I never see, kind of like how I never see Abraham, but I don't love them. I don't feel anything. Just...obligation.

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