Wednesday, May 1, 2013

england is mine and it owes me a living

I've been doing adult things lately so I guess things have been pretty boring. I'm not complaining though. It's nice when you can do things you don't want to do and not complain because you don't feel like it.

I'm at school right now and all I could think about is what Charlie said "I wonder who plans these things".

Reaching my full potential doesn't guarantee happiness. But neither does anything else.

whateva whateva i do wut i whant.

I rode the bus today and the bus driver had the ugliest eyes I've ever seen. They were hazel. And really stone cold. It made me uncomfortable.
He was mean. I talked to him.
The other driver seemed kind of fidgety. I guess the niceness made him uncomfortable. I've been there too.
I seen a girl with hair like autumn. You should have seen her smile when I told her how much I loved it.
Compliments. I like when people accept them. I hate when people get annoyed. It's like..why.

It's really not what you know, it's what you see.

I was asked an interesting question the other day. Would I showcase my art, if I do decide to take the colorful route..I guess it's something that must be done. I wish I could just give away all my art though you know? I don't think it should cost money. I think that's when art turns into something else.
That something else is both good and bad. I guess I'd just have to put in my all and hope that whoever buys anything I make feels a connection with whatever it is their purchasing. I hope it makes them ask questions. I think the best kind of art does. Or just makes you feel better in an instant eery way that sometimes you can't explain but other people expect you to or they'll believe you really aren't feeling what you're feeling but it's like dude fuck off this ain't skewwllllll and shouldn't it only matter that it does something not the why? I wish I could tell you the why, but I can't so stop being so fucking hostile.
I fucking hate when people get all pretentious. It's like..why.

"ask me why and I'll spit in your eye"
lol Morrissey <3

I gave Mr.Raimondi his surprise today. The smile was more than worth it! :)
I have three surprises now for Brenda. AHHHHHHHH. I can't wait.
And I have something for Panda and Aumi and yayyyyyyy.

I tried to make something for my mom, but i didn't know what she'd like...
i pictured making her jewelery and then quickly pictured her rejecting it...

immerse yourself in love.

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