Tuesday, May 14, 2013

inspired by morrissey

I came up with the grestest idea two days ago. For now on, humor...as well as the dictionary, are my faithful companions.


p.s nice things heard:
mr.s: "to be dysfunctional is to be functional"

 [ spon táynee əss ]   
  1. arising from internal cause: resulting from internal or natural processes, with no apparent external influence
  2. arising from impulse: arising from natural impulse or inclination, rather than from planning or in response to suggestions from others
  3. unrestrained: naturally unrestrained or uninhibited
 [ kíllər ]   
  1. somebody or something that kills: a person or animal that kills others intentionally, especially one that does this more than once
  2. something very difficult: something that is very demanding or difficult
  3. destructive person or thing: somebody or something that destroys or is fatal
(his favorite because it changes with context.)

 [ rd'nt ]   
  1. passionate: feeling great passion, or felt very passionately
  2. enthusiastic: feeling or showing great enthusiasm or eagerness
  3. glowing: shining or glowing brightly, with a fiery quality

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