Monday, May 6, 2013

Yesterday, I spent the day @ orientation and with my fellow Americans (the ones that are my friends). 
Orientation went well. The guy who was talking could definitely be defined as a cat enthusiast. He kept referring to shows with names like "cat 101", "cats from hell" and some other one. He kept floating in and out of stories..all dealing with cats...all dealt with a smile on his face.
Tree house is a pretty amazing organization. They are a strict "no kill" zone, are against declawing, and take in most cats other organizations would reject. If you adopt a cat with a certain disease, the adoption fee is waived and the medical services needed for that cat are offered at Tree House. At Tree house, they have clients, not customers. They really love what they do.
I'm going to socialize the cats, meaning I'm going to play with them and teach them while humans do suck very much, we're not all that bad. We got some love to give.
It's a really nice feeling..helping out, despite how small of a help I am offering.
After that, I went to Dunkin Donuts and this guy have me a free donut for no reason. I came back a second time and I gave him a mango lol. I told him "you did something nice for me, so I'm going to do something nice for you." You should have seen his smile. I live for smiles.
My dad picked me up from orientation and we went to La Cuchara by Lincoln Square/Goose Island and whatever other neighborhoods my dad mentioned when he was explaining to me where everything ends and starts. It was nice eating out with my dad, him drinking, seeing him have a good time, especially since a few hours prior he said one of the most hurtful things he's ever said and that that he has lost faith in me. I know he's trying to push me in a different way now, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. I'm not into negative reinforcement, but I appreciate it.
I don't know. I might like suffering. Or just being exposed to different kinds of caring. Hm..
From there, my dad didn't want to leave  (lol) when I did, so I called Panda and she picked me up. She was with Jackie and Javi and we roamed around Wicker Park, I bought Post Office by Bukowski (woman was sold out) , and went to Aumi's.
Sleep really brought me down...Seriously, I couldn't get up once my body made its way to Aumi's bed. I slept for the majority of the night, although I wish I hadn't.
I didn't go to school. I'm pretty disappointed in myself for that. It wasn't my intention. I thought I'd be able to make it home, but the circumstances didn't allow it. I'd explain, but I don't think it matters.
Now Im here, with pepper, kylie, bibi, lego (sometimes) and aumi. :) She just made a strawberry white chocolate waffle from scratch. Yes.
I'm hoping we can motivate each other to get school work down. We are both in the same boat.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day. This is probably the closest to a diary entry I'll ever get.
Remember: every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

Lots of love,


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