Thursday, May 2, 2013

i've been thinking about a friend of Imrose's/Aaron's and it might be weird to admire her on a blog like this, but it shouldn't. It's just so cool how such a teeny tiny person could make a big impact. And I'm not talking numbers here, I'm talking people.
Real change happens one person at a time. It's great that she managed to accomplish real change. fellow blog a genuine want for better.

I always thought she had a really lovely smile. It's just so big and present and self-assured/shameless. 

I think when you try to solve something on a large scale, like in politics, you spread yourself too thin. 

You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics. - Charles Bukowski

that's okay. there are plenty of books I still need to get at.
I'm just going to throw this in here because I like it:
"I was in love again. I was in trouble."

My absolute favorite poem by Bukowski is let it enfold you.
I can tell you my favorite lines by memory. When you love something, really love something, that's kind of what happens:
I no longer had to prove I was a man
I no longer had to prove anything...

I welcomed shots of peace..

tattered shards of happiness...

writers are temporary friends.
they're only your friends while you're reading their writing.

what's in that brain of yours?

edit: i've been re-reading my favorite lines and it's just this overwhelming sense of pleasure that rushes through my body...this feeling of not knowing what to do..what way to express this..release it..hug it...thank it..embed it into your soul..i guess i'll just read and read and feel and feel and think and think because that's all that's left to do..

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