Thursday, May 2, 2013

you can read a book, reject it's message, and still love it.
why is that so far-fetched?

ahhhh busy-ness reigns this weekend. I miss panda & aumi so much! I'll be at Tedx this saturday though, so I guess I shouldn't complain. Let the explosive crowd of high schoolers scouring for autographs from speakers they've never heard of begin. I just hope I learn something tomorrow.
I wonder what I'll e-mail that neuroscientist I met last year. We didn't talk about anything special, just the beatles and my life lol. I love what he had to say about me "You have a lovely way of expressing yourself." and then after all that he said..."you know elizabeth, I think you'll be okay." He liked my handwriting. I wonder what I'll email him. I want to say something nice. Maybe we'll go out for coffee.
everyone has something important to say. everyone.
and maybe even if they don't, you should still always listen.
I took a resume from a folder I found at santullos full of resumes. It's this guy that went to UPEN (why do we cap these things) and california institute of the arts and majored in film. He plays guitar, likes meditation, and is fluent in french lol. He's a tutor for the ACT/SAT now (it seems like he's just perpetuating what trapped him). Allyson got really upset because it didn't make sense for someone that followed their dream to end up at a place like that. I mean really upset.
"as the supermarket bag boy holds a college degree" - "born into this/bukowski"
we're going to write him a letter. i'm still trying to figure out what i want to say. i'm glad i kept that resume.
although he might not have pursued his dreams, i wonder what his college life was like. if the people he met and the things he did made everything worth it...edit: if his dream became secondary to his experiences.. if a job is just something used to get by and the real things that matter are what happens outside of it.

new word to add to favorite word list: enticing

i dive head first into emotions. i really do.

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