Tuesday, April 23, 2013

clara is usually late.

and that's why she's my therapist.
she always cancels on the right days.
we're going to go to a coffee shop to talk. how awesome is that?
well i've been waiting here and decided it was a good idea to share this. This is from my journal:

 I started becoming good friends with the "smart kids" when I was in my junior year of high school. There were a lot of perks to having a friendship with these kids. Teachers were more prone to like you, discussions about authors and books spontaneously arose, and more of often than not, they were good friends.
But one thing I could never wrap my head around was how pretentious they were all becoming. I think, as much as you don't want to become pretentious, it can sneak up on you. And it did with these people.
They were repulsed at the idea of being friends with someone who couldn't spell or had trouble reading. They saw other kids as a waste of their time and a waste of space. And if that doesn't make you pretentious, I don't know what does.
Just because you can recite shakesphere or know how to solve polynomials doesn't mean you are guaranteed to be a better person.
My sister just asked me how to spell "sore" a few minutes ago. My sister used to go to Schurz. My sister could have been one of these people.
And god knows as well as I do, that she isn't stupid. When she was younger, she read all the Harry Potter series. As soon as a book came out, she would be there to buy it. I remember when she finally read the last book, she came out of her room, teary eyed and in between sobs, and announced to my brother and I that "dumbledoore died".
My sister had hopes of being a history teacher.
But it's hard when you grow up with a step dad, a mother that doesn't know how to love, and a boyfriend that convinces you that he does.
Not everyone is strong enough to rise above, and not everyone is asked to.
I have a friend (in this smart kid circle) who wants to change the world.
She wants to spread education to third world countries and she's doing it because of `her mom. She says it kills her every time her mom asks her to write something for her because her mom can't do it herself. It just kills me because she is so concerned with third world countries that she doesn't realize the same is happening within her school's classrooms. I wish instead of bashing on these kids, she could have helped them.

My friend allyson said "be kind..for everyone is suffering."

I couldn't agree more. I couldn't agree more.

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