Monday, April 15, 2013

I can't find my favorite photo of me.
It's a picture of me graduating, and I have this look of uncertainty on my face. I love it. I don't know where I put it, but I'm not too worried about it. I'm sure I'll find it when the right moment comes. I'm just sad because I wish I could share it with you guys.

This is another favorite of mine:

"do not feel sorry for me because I am alone..for even at the most terrible moments..humor is my companion."

for ramiza:
thank you so much for checking out my blog. I really appreciate it. I know that you know federico, which is cool. My dad is really good friends with his mom. His mom pierced my ear once lol. She fucked it up pretty badly, but everything was OK. Our parents are always trying to get us to date. It's hilarious. His mom stopped in the middle of the street once so he could ask me for my number lol. The whole time he was trying to resist and apologizing to me. It was awkward, but funny. Isn't he such a great guitar player? I can't talk when he plays. I just want to listen. I don't talk to him much, but the times that I do, I appreciate it. Anyway, I'm glad you decided to check out my blog.  I hope it doesn't bore you too much. The real purpose of this is just to show people how okay it is to be human..I hope that makes sense. I see a lot of good in you so I think you will know what that means. I hope we make a lot of memories soon. This might sound weird but I'm so glad you're a libra lmao. Thank you so much for the song. I love Imagine. John Lennon is a hell of a guy.


  1. Hey girl. Aw yeah I know Federico! We used to be hella cool in high school..
    omg that story is so funny. I wonder how you know him. We can talk when we meet :D
    Oh and here is my blog if you'd like to check it out:

  2. lol i look foward to it. :3
    haha your blog reminds me of the word traquility.
    I shall check it out. Gratzi. xx
