Monday, April 15, 2013

life is as kind as you let it be.

i think i want to be a teacher mostly because i want to talk to students, change up the game, and decorate my classroom. have you ever looked around at what teachers hang up? it's pretty interesting. i especially love all the things ms.bailey has to say.
there was this one quote that talked about animals that really resonated with me.
it said something along the lines like "a good indication of character is how you treat someone that can't hurt you". It wasn't worded like that at all, I think, but that was the overall meaning. It then had a picture of the cutest cat underneath it.

i think if you don't like animals, there must be something wrong with you. how can you say no to unconditional love?
i remember i told my tia oliva what yerika said once. she said that she feels like she can't like animals because she feels like they have been "silenced". I thought that was pretty funny, but I think it was only because I was high. I thought it was pretty funny because I could see it, although I didn't agree with it. My tia was like "that's stupid. They're not silenced at all. They talk in their own way."

I hope you don't read this stuff.

Anyway, today I had an interesting encounter with Mary. Mary is my brother's ex girlfriend. Better said, Mary is the first girl my brother ever loved. She was the first girl he ever brought home. I liked her right away, because she was with my brother and anyone who is with my brother is a friend of mine. My mother was weary in the beginning, but soon opened up. My dad didn't care. So like I was saying...she came to me in search of help.

me: so have you told him that you think he is cheating?
mary: no.
me: so then how do you know?
me: you can just feel it?
mary: yeah...

sadness put aside, mary and I are quite a pair when we're together. we get shit done. we successfully hacked into her husband's facebook. lolol. we used to do some other mischievous things too..*sigh..those were the days.

mary: I don't mind if he cheats on me. What bothers me is that if he's going to cheat on me, I want it to be worth it you know? How is he going to throw me away, throw his kids away, for some pussy? and if he's going to cheat he should at least be smart about it you know?
me: yeah..I don't know.

throughout the whole time we were trying to hack his facebook, her son kept pestering her. he kept roaming around and exploring..that little sag..she just blurted out "ely. don't have kids. i know they're beautiful and all, but look at me, look at your sister. have kids when you're ready to settle down. okay?"

It makes me sad that these things happen.

mary: your brother fucked up with me too. they always fuck up and they realize things too late.

My brother really did fuck up with her. He admitted it to me himself. I remember once he kicked Mary out of the house when she got from work really late and said "I'm not going to be here taking care of your fucking kid so you can go out and fuck who ever you want. I'm nobody's bitch." and then Mary had to leave and sleep at a family's house. I remember when she told me. I didn't know what to say. My brother was obviously being sensitive. I think a lot of possessiveness stems from sensitivity. Mary didn't know either. She just shrugged.

something you might not want to read:
Today I found out that Mary is a Virgo. No wonder her and my brother got along so well. I didn't ask if she was a Virgo, her husband sent her a comment listening virgo qualities. I think he was trying to tell her something?

Oh P.S my mom/little brother are a Taurus/Aries cusp. just like Tim. My mom was born on the same day as Hitler. My brother was born the day after.
Taurus is dominant, with an influence of Aries.

Mary and I are both ruled by the planet Mercury. (it's interesting because we're opposite elements. her feet are placed firmly on the ground.. while i'm up in space.)
I like being ruled by the planet Venus too, since I am a cusp.
My strengths are communication, love, and grace.
I wish I wasn't so consumed in horoscopes, but I am..It's a constant battle.
Libras are the most diplomatic of the zodiac (also ruled by Venus). Geminis are the most versatile. Aries are the most head-strong and passionate. they are ruled by the planet mars. Scorpios are the most intuitive. They're so devoted to their significant other. Chaz is a hell of a boyfriend to Luna.. Tauruses are the most nurturing. Saggaritriuses are the most optimistic. they are ruled by the planet Jupiter, i think, which represents philosophy. ..i'm just going to stop now lol. Aquariuses are ruled by Uranus(lmfao) and something else. I remember that one of them represents rebellion. Cancers are ruled by the moon.
Interesting stuff guys. I love watching the way earth soaks up water..and the way air mingles with water..and how air fuels fire...and it just..all makes so much sense..I think horoscopes are both true and false. I like the stars...I don't know. I kinda trust them. It's the humans that I don't trust.

I only like Bon Iver when I'm with Allyson. It's weird.

"There are worse things than being alone...but it often takes decades to realize this..and most often..when you's too late..and there is nothing worse than too late." -Bukowski.

 P.S Elliot Smith is a Leo.

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