Monday, April 15, 2013

Intuitive and independent creatures, they have much to share. Sagittarius can help Pisces make his or her dreams reality, but the former's critical mind and frankness may wound the latter's hypersensitive nature. They don't infringe on each other's freedom: each needs something different, and they respect the boundaries at home. But if one partner must submit to the other, it will be the Pisces, who is given to sacrifice. True, the same Pisces, who craves infinite love, may suffer from the Sagittarian lack of passion.

Oliva: He just didn't have to say it like know? he was like YOU'RE SICK!
Ely: Yeah..but you know if he was like "omg oliva..are you okay? is there anything i can do to make you feel better?" you wouldn't like him.
Oliva: Yeah..that's true.
Oliva: I dated a guy who treated me like a princess once. I was like..why are you such a fucking pussy?
her old myspace quote: I may be short, but once I have you on the ground, we'll see who's looking up at who! :-)!
It's weird, because as sensitive as my aunt is, she likes when a man isn't afraid of telling her off. She loves that shit. I love my aunt. She has such a stable voice. It's weird that the horoscope depicts their relationship as being kind of a bad thing, but I think that's what my aunt needs. She is the one that got me into horoscopes. She also gave me the book Hairstyles of the Damned and the perks of being a wallflower. She gave me this book called (the square root symbol) her. I liked it, but I lost it unfortunately. Oh and Prep. She didn't get it for me, but she told me I should get it while we were at barnes and nobles and I did..I was in 6th grade at the time that I got it and I didn't understand it. I read it again a few years later and I realized how great it was.
She's also taught me so much about animals...her pitbull and bird get along lol. It's pretty awesome.
I love my aunt and uncle's relationship. I look up to it a lot. It's funny. It's just so funny. They're always laughing. My uncle took my aunt out to white castle for valentines day lol. He reserved a table and everything lol..that's love man....
I liked that my aunt liked Aaron right away. He didn't even have to say anything to her, but she liked him. I don't think he remembers meeting her.

I want to see her soon, but I know life gets in the way....

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