Wednesday, April 17, 2013

i'm the happiest i've been in a long time.

it's interesting because I've been broke lately, yet I can't stop...feeling good.

all I've been doing is spreading art, listening to music, writing, focusing on things that matter, and hanging out with good people.

"it's not what you have, it's what you give."

I also haven't been to school in quite some time. I have faith that things will work out. They always do. Nothing worth learning can be taught though, you know? I just miss the conversations with teachers and mr.rutter saying "i'll put it on your tab".

I just had a really intense conversation with Aumi's dad. I asked him two questions:
1. what do you think of Aaron Schwartz?
2. how do you identify yourself politically and why?

He doesn't like Aaron Schwartz. He never heard of him, but based on what I said, he decided he didn't like him. He said that some things should remain secrets to avoid putting people's lives in jeopardy.

He said he identifies himself as a conservative that leans toward libertarian (he believes in less government regulation) and believes in state rights > federal.
The why is very hard to explain.
In the end, we just decided that "anyone over 30 that isn't a liberal doesn't have a heart, and anyone over 30 that isn't conservative doesn't have a brain."

"no man is rich enough to buy back his past."
"behind every exquisite thing was something tragic."

I noticed that I'm afraid of a lot of things, but when I do them, it just adds to the exhilaration. I want to go snorkeling with aumi in California.
I have something to add to my list of fears. It's not longer just living on the's also being too late.

It's amazing the things that can bring people together. I went to Myopic yesterday because I wanted to know how much the book "woman" by Charles bukowski was (Brenda..once you're done with the Junot Diaz book, we should switch.) and there was a girl looking at his stuff too. She said "have you read ham on rye?" and I got all perked up and excited. I saw what other book she had in her hand and it was a book by david foster Wallace. THE david foster Wallace. Lol just kidding. Just david foster Wallace. Anyway, we talked about Bukowski and I liked what she had to say. Needless to say, I have her number now. I gave her something random I had in my purse as a gift. It was this body jewelry thing that is meant to hold up necklaces. I got it for myself, but it seemed like she would like it so I gave it to her. She seemed confused, but really happy. She is from New Orleans and has been in Chicago for two years now. I think she's a college student, but she didn't tell me. I don't know. She's cool and lives in Wicker. I'm glad I have her number.

me and aumi are making waffles.
nom nom nom. wish panda was here. moon-child.

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