Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Okay, so I was thinking about it today and I realized what being ruled by the same planet and different element meant. Virgos take words seriously. Gemini's don't. I think they choose their words very deliberately.

Jobs I respect:

Jobs I admire:

this is my favorite song to sing to Toby:
this is my favorite song to dance with Toby to:
I think it's interesting that although Yerika didn't like animals, she did like a select few. She seemed really happy when she did get a long with them. I miss you, Yerika...You have such a nice core.
I've noticed that I'm constantly missing people/animals (not things). I wonder why. It reminds me of the song "happiness is a warm gun". "she's not a girl..that misses much".
Panda just told me about this guy she knows named LT. I'm very impressed with his answer to the question "how do you get so much money?"...he replied "people love me".
I miss Allyson! I wonder how she's doing. She's on the road right now. Lol. I keep thinking about what she said in her blog. "be kind to people, because everyone is struggling." It's so true..I really liked the part of the night when we were together and she said "you're really lucky to have aumi and panda.." and I said "I'm really lucky to have you." aww..>:D< internet hug.
I would never be friends with Morrissey. Okay, I guess that's the wrong way to put it. I think what I mean is that I wouldn't want to be friends with him. If it happened, it happened, if it didn't, it didn't. I'm just so happy and elated with all that his has already given me, you know? He's given me more than some of my friends have..
this song played in the car yesterday:
his eyes are so pretty. my dad started singing along to this song. I can't say I wasn't surprised. It's interesting that my dad used to like certain songs as a teenager, even though he had no idea what they meant.

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