Wednesday, April 24, 2013

sleepover @ allyson's :)

lewis and clarke album playing in the background for the first few hours.
you gotta love this girl.
(btw allyson. this is my favorite song from that album)
and her cats. yesterday I realized how much I love Reed. Allyson likes elliot because he's a love ball. He really is, and I love him too, but my favorite is definitely Reed. I like him so much because first of all he is beautiful lol, secondly, he is shy, and thirdly it takes a lot to win him over. I dig it.
I hate the question of whether I like dogs better than cats. That's like asking whether I like mexicans more than asians? The answer is obviously lol just kidding. You know what I mean. The question makes me feel like Paul McCartney in the 1964 video when he is asked "which do you like better? Mods or rockas?" And Paul goes "I don't know..I think I prefer real preference" lmfao. That's how I feel. No real preference. They're both amazing and have different reasons in which entitle them to the same amount of appreciation.
"Paul is it true that you're the most intelligent Beatle?"
" wrote a he must be more intelligent than me." lolol <3
Anyway, it was a lovely day. Allyson said something in the middle of the night and I couldn't hear what she said. All I know is that it sounded sweet (sad, but sweet) and so I hugged her and put my head on her arm and for some reason, I feel like that made it easier to sleep for the both of us. Isn't that funny? It wasn't lesbianish at all. It was loving.
I am reading "I'm with the Band" right now. Allyson gave me the book. Which is so awesome of her because I know it means a lot to her. Inside the book is writing from her sister, Heather, who I know Allyson holds dear to her heart, and the writing says "if I had a bible, it would be this book". I like Heather, although I don't know her. "The opposite of love is indifference..Pay attention now...Keep your head up..Keep your love.." She wrote more, but I've already told you enough.
Anyway, I think I found a new idol: PAMELA DES BARRES. She's the girl allyson told me about that I mentioned in a blog post once. The girl who made crazy vests for musicians. 
I haven't read much but I already really like her:
"I was unprepared, however, for the reaction to I'm with the band when it was initially published When uptight woman on talk shows chided me for being too free-spirited and sexually open, I told them I was sorry they missed out on the good times and didn't get to sleep with Mick Jagger." 

"I lost some good friends who were growing up and going steady and planning their lives after high school. They left me behind with my Beatles lunch box and bobbing-head dolls, practicing my Liverpudlian accent*. And guess what? They're probably still in Reseda with a gaggle of goony kids to kowtow to, being forced to listen to Motley Crue by their very own burgeoining teenagers, and it serves them right.

We gravitated to one another, the Beatlesweeties, and hung around in packs of for, one for each Beatle.  **"

*soul mates? possibly.
**yes. soul mates. every one knows i'm paul.
lmfao <3

This girl is really awesome though and I can't wait to meet her on her book tour with allyson. I'm going to make her jewelry and have her write in my journal. I have two questions to ask her.  She seems cool as hell and I'm a bit envious of her life. I feel no shame in saying that because I feel i'd be weird not to feel envious of her life. It was a hell of a life lol.

she's absolutely stunning! no?

yes lol

Anyway, that's not all I got to walk out of allyson's house with. I'm going to burn a copy of The Shin's album Oh Inverted World, and Radiohead's "OK computer", and I'm going to re-read The Metamorphosis.Needless to say, it's been great.
And not only because I've been given these things but because I got to spend a lovely time with the person who gave me these things. The real important thing here is her.

I have some stuff up my sleeve for aaron :3. Lots of awesome stuff. It's getting pretty uncomfortable My sleeve I mean. From having all that stuff up there.
Bahaha. Joking. I love it! :) I can't wait.

For now, I should probably focus on my homework. I'm

that things will work out. I need to shower and do normal people stuff. Today, I'm going to get an estimate of how much my tattoo will cost at Metamorphosis. And vintage underground just opened up on Milwaulkee and I need to see what's up with that lol. I love that place. Allyson should be getting out of her interview in a while..let's hope she gets that job @ wicker so I can visit her alll the time on her lunch breaks. 

and do homework.
do homework.
and finish painting my room.

*sigh. I need to make a to do list like Clara told me to..I need to give myself structure.

keep the good times going and the good vibes flowinnnnnnn'
i'm insanely lame, but i have fun.


p.s allyson said something that made my heart flutter.
"I only understand the smiths when I hear you sing it"
or something like
I love it. It's funny because that's how I feel about Bon Iver with her.
Allyson says some really cool stuff lol. I'm gonna throw this one in there too:
"I don't trust anyone that doesn't like Led Zeppelin". 


  1. Metamorph silly ass lol metamorphosis reminds me of Hillary duffs album haha

  2. lol sorry i got franz kafka on my mind.

    lol oh yeaah, yerika showed me that album once.
