Tuesday, April 16, 2013

food for thought.

I was thinking about vegetarianism.

I felt horrible because as much as I have tried to change my lifestyle around, I can't. Meat just tastes so good. Sad, but true. I wish meat didn't exist. It'd be so much easier. LOLOLOL. well obviously right?
Anyway, I kept thinking about Aumi. Aumi is a hardcore vegetarian. Hard fucking core. That girl loves animals. And I kept thinking about how much I love animals too.
I've decided that I'm going to try as much as I can to be vegetarian and be okay with the times that I fail. I would never ever hurt an animal and the fact that they are being terribly slaughtered is out of my control. Even so, I feel it and that's why I am going to keep trying.
I want to have a rule where I can't eat meat in front of other vegetarians. I feel like it's really disrespectful. I don't know...

my uncle: "I love pigs too, that's why I eat them."


"But you know, as a kid I would have thought of a vegetarian as a wimp.
Read more at http://www.quoteauthors.com/quotes/paul-mccartney-quotes.html#58srw2l2KSCzh2sq.99 "

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