Tuesday, April 23, 2013

i'm going to my wear my smith's dress today

it's happening.
i took down my morrissey shirt from my room. it's too precious not to wear.
ah, i love you i love you i love you.
whatever you are.

i asked aumi if she liked britney spears and she said "yes".
it's just like her to say yes. it's funny how big of a discussion this turned into when i told her i hated her. she brought it up again two hours later and said "i feel like i have to really explain why i like her." lololol and she did. and her reasons were good. it's just like aumi to like someone.
i told her i understand what she means because that's how i feel about miley cyrus. lolol
"but you know who my favorite band is ely."
lol i do.
that's awesome.

it's sublime. in case anyone was wondering.

and we can findddddd new wayyyyyys of livingggggg 

the real question is what moves you?
what speaks to your soul?
it might sound stupid, but it's not.
it's more complicated than that and one day i'll explain it better.

this is one of kathleen hanna's (lead singer of bikini kill) favorites:
it's a good song. i like it.

i just feel like sharing this ^^
paul smiles while he sings.
he used that same bass @ his concert in wrigley field.

i have another favorite band.
but i'll never tellll. he knows it though. he has to. 

from the in rainbows album:

i sometimes just say lyrics to people from songs they dont know when im bored, and see them be like "o.O"
i told my gf to forget about her house of cards the other day.
· 9  
hahaha that is so awesome

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