Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I came across an article

"             6 things I've leaned from Charles Bukowski
              By James Althucher

Charles Bukowski was disgusting, his actual real fiction is awful, he's been called a misogynist, overly simplistic, the worst narcissist, (and probably all of the above are true to an extent) and whenever there's a collection of "Greatest American Writers" he's never included.
And yet... he's probably the greatest American writer ever. Whether you've read him or not, and most have not, there's 6 things worthy of learning from an artist like Bukoswski.
I consider “Ham on Rye” by Bukowski probably the greatest American novel ever written.  It’s an autobiographical novel (as are all his novels except “Pulp” which is so awful it’s unreadable) about his childhood, being beaten by his parents, avoiding war, and beginning his life of destitution, hardship, alcoholism, and the beginnings of his education as a writer.
I’m almost embarrassed to admit he’s an influence. Many people hate him and I’m much more afraid of being judged than he ever was.
(if you're interested here is the rests of it: http://www.jamesaltucher.com/2011/10/6-things-i-learned-from-charles-bukowski/)           "

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