Sunday, April 7, 2013

"In science class, Mr.Z told us about an expieriment where they got this rat or mouse, and they put this rat or mouse on one side of a cage. On the other side of the cage, they put a little peice of food. And this rat or mouse would walk over to the food and eat. Then, they put the rat or mouse back on its original side, and this time, they put electircity all through the floor where the rat or mouse would have to walk to get the piece of food. They did this for a while, and the rat or mouse stopped going to get the food at a certain amount of voltage. Then, they repeated the experiment, but they replaced the food with something that gave the rat intense pleasure. I don't know what it was that gave them intense pleasure, but I am guessing it is some kind of rat or mouse nip. Anyway, what the scientists found out was that the rat or mouse would put up with a lot more voltage for the pleasure. Even more than for food.
I don't know the signifigance of this, but I find it very interesting.
Love always,


This is the first page in my journal:
"any asshole can chase a skirt,
art takes discipline".

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